Great Canadian Bible Study 2024 - 2026 Project
Do you want to help young boys and girls get ready for healthy teen years in Kenya? You can do so by joining with Baptist women across Canada by holding or participating in the Great Canadian Bible Study and giving an offering, or give an offering directly to your women's organization listed below
Health and Mentorship for Girls and Boys in Kenya
Health and Mentorship for Girls and Boys in Kenya
This project focuses on the psychological, spiritual, social and emotional aspects of being a growing young person in African culture. A big part of that mentoring includes sex education. Due to the lack of sex education at home, many young girls and boys fail to understand what is happening to them as they grow from childhood to adulthood.
In some cultures, the topic of sex is taboo. Lack of accurate knowledge leads to unexpected pregnancies and raises the school dropout rate. Being taught about body changes helps girls and boys understand themselves. It also teaches them about respect for one another, which will hopefully help curb future domestic violence issues.
Through this project, CBM’s partner, the Africa Christian Church and Schools, wants to mentor young school-aged girls and boys by providing sex education and some kits for their safety and for those who cannot afford them. Kits will contain underwear, sanitary towels (girls), and other items. A team of pastors will be mentoring the adolescents. They will accompany the target girls and boys and provide them with the kits as well as counselling on other related issues.
Rev. Martha, Facilitator of the Health and Mentoring Project
Listen to Martha explain more about this great project
Your donation will make a difference in these children's lives!
100% of your donation will go toward this project if you specify Great Canadian Bible Study Project.
If you live in Ontario or Quebec, donate here
If you live in the Atlantic provinces, donate here
If you live in Saskatchewan or Manitoba, contact
If you live in British Columbia or Yukon, contact
Please be sure to state your donation is to go to Canadian Baptist Women and what project you are donating to.
Canadian Baptist Women
President, Gail Whalen-Dunn