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Great Canadian Bible Study

Canadian Baptist women from all across the country participate in this study each year. This is a uniting time of standing in solidarity with each other across the country as well as with vulnerable women and children overseas as we also take this opportunity to give  an offering. It is normally done in January.

Join in, grow AND make a difference!

Connect with other women in your women's organization to participate in this study and collect an offering. When you make a donation in 2025 you will be helping young people to receive help, support and mentoring in Kenya.


Your donation will make a difference in lives! 

100% of your donation will go toward this project if you specify GCBS.  

If you live in Ontario or Quebec, donate here

If you live in the Atlantic provinces, donate here

If you live in Saskatchewan or Manitoba, contact

If you live in British Columbia or Yukon, contact 

Please be sure to state your donation is to go to Canadian Baptist Women and what project you would like to donate to 

Canadian Baptist Women

Connecting Baptist women nationally, supporting each other and women worldwide as we work together with our global partners

©2023 by Canadian Baptist Women.

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